Citywide Prayer

Citywide Prayer Sunday 1st December 2024

SoHOP is working with church leaders in Southampton to coordinate a citywide prayer gathering each month. We want to be together with people of all ages, all denominations, all cultures. 

We hope that Citywide Prayer will be hosted at a different church each month, celebrating the diversity of the Body of Christ in Southampton.

The Schedule

If you have any feedback for us about these gatherings, please contact us.

What are we hoping for?

…For Southampton to be transformed by the love of God.

…For a great increase in the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit in our city.

Some call this revival, awakening, outpouring or empowering. Whatever name you use, this is what we need and this is why we are gathering for city prayer.

How ?

How will we work towards what we hope for?

.. By gathering people who pray and asking the Holy Spirit to give us fresh faith, revelation and empowering. And then committing to prayer in our lives throughout the month ahead.

Our simple belief is that as we come together we are:

  • recognising our brothers and sisters across the Body of Christ
  • standing united in our worship of God
  • declaring that Jesus is the Hope for our city
  • asking the Holy Spirit to teach us to pray
  • releasing the blessing of God on Southampton

We believe the Holy Spirit will bless these times, resulting in new faith and stamina in our prayers. As we hold our city before the Lord, we are believing God for fresh insight and inspiration and an intensification and multiplication of prayer throughout the churches. 

With what attitude?

We gather with a dependence on the Holy Spirit.

If you are like me, you have reached the end of your own efforts and now desire the Holy Spirit to bring life. Holy Spirit come and revive the things that are dead or dying.

We think of the Lord telling his disciples to wait in Jerusalem “until the Holy Sprit comes and fills you with power from heaven” (Luke 24).

And so we gather each month, standing together in this dependence.

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us!

Practical Details

We will usually gather on the first Sunday evening of each month. The timing changes according to the church that is hosting the meeting.

We hope to be at a different host church each month, celebrating the diversity of the Body of Christ in Southampton. Please contact us if you would consider hosting the City Prayer at your church.

Remember, because we are at different churches each month, the times may vary…

Invite everyone who prays!

So please, spread the word. Invite everyone who prays. Come in faith and expect to be encouraged, envisioned, and receive a fresh filling of faith and revelation.



  • 5 September – our in-person prayer meeting for quite a long time! Hosted by Covenant Church at the Destiny Centre, Kent Road, SO17 2LJ
  • 3 October – hosted by Covenant Church at the Destiny Centre, Kent Road, SO17 2LJ
  • 7 November  7.30pm – hosted by City Life Church at Townhill Park Community Centre, Meggeson Avenue, SO18 2FH (more info…)
  • 5 December 6.00pm – hosted by Above Bar Church at 69 Above Bar Street, SO14 7FE  (more info…)
