Citywide Prayer – Sunday 27 June

We are gathering to pray together on line again on Sunday 27 June 2021 at 7.30pm.

During 2021 the momentum for this monthly rhythm of praying together has been growing. It is a wonderful statement of our intent to “pray continually” and to recognise this is an assignment for the whole body of Christ. We cannot get this done as individual churches and congregations, we need each other.

Our vision is to keep asking the Holy Spirit to lead us from month to month and be sensitive to the presence and activity of God in Southampton. We feel at the moment His focus for these meetings new seasons and new initiatives.

As before we will prioritise time in small breakout rooms so we all get to pray. And we get to pray with people randomly from other churches.

We are especially going to pray for New Foundations Community Chaplaincy and share in our groups any other new initiatives that we are prompted to pray for.


Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 857 1353 6373

Passcode: 323065